Welcome on LEXVA Analytique’s webstite

Located in the middle of Auvergne, within the Biopole Clermont–Limagne in St–Beauzire 63360 (FRANCE), LEXVA Analytique was created in 2007 by Dr. Gilles FIGUEREDO.

LEXVA Analytique is specialized in the physicochemical analysis of essential oils, natural extracts and fragrances for the cosmetic, perfume, pharmaceutical and food industries.

The scientific team, compound of technicians, engineers and doctors in chemistry, offers you its skills to bring you an analytical service of the best level.

LEXVA Analytique is certified Research Tax Credit for the years 2023 to 2027

Why choose LEXVA Analytique ?

  • Personalized analyses
  • Diverse and efficient equipment
  • Respect of confidentiality
  • Guarantee routine analysis results between 2 and 5 days
  • Long analysis experience over 30 years
  • Collaboration with several university researchers
  • Qualified and experimented team, reactive and listening


Since July 2017, the laboratory is certified ISO 9001-2015.